Further Reading

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Power Animals: The Wild Boar

The wild boar is one of the most fearless, aggressive and ferocious fighters of the animal kingdom. They hold the teachings of courage, assertiveness and protection. Since the boar is fearless many ancient cultures believe the boar holds magical healing powers. If fear is absent good health prevails.

These fascinating creatures are deeply connected to the energies of the earth and all it holds. They are often seen rooting and foraging in the undergrowth of plants and trees and show us how to efficiently uncover things that lie beneath the surface. People with this medicine are continually asked to stand up, have faith and move forward without fear. Once fear is overcome life is experienced in a new and more joyous manner. The boar asks us to look at our fear face on and choose to let it go.

If we allow this animal to guide our footsteps fear becomes a distant memory rather than a present reality. Although boars have poor eyesight their excellent hearing and sense of smell helps them remain alert and ready for anything. Boars are extremely aware of everything around them even when they appear to be totally oblivious to their surroundings. Whenever a boar enters into our life it is asking us to fine tune our senses and pay attention to what’s around us.

If something is amiss boar asks us to correct it “now.” Order and efficiency in all we do is a main part of boar medicine. Very vocal and communicate with others through a series of grunts and squeals the boar demands attention and gets it. For example, when frightened or alarmed they blow loudly through their nose creating a snorting sound. When hurt they squeal and when content they 'rumble' quietly. They show us how to use our voice to communicate our needs.

Boar teaches us to use all of our senses efficiently and effectively. It assists us in strengthening and developing our character and the quality of our lives. Boar initiates transformation and self-discovery through pushing and prodding us into change. This is a powerful totem to have but not an easy one to work with. Those with this totem would be wise to follow boar’s lead without resistance. The more you resist the more wild boar will challenge you.