Further Reading

Tuesday 3 March 2009

The Secret Government

A small number of extremely wealthy people, descendants of wealthy families in Europe and the U.S, own a major part of the material wealth of the world. This power is concentrated in London which is the centre of the world banking system. The control they exercise is kept within the original families and passed down from generation to generation. They are highly organised, operating in secret through a web of 'private' organisations.
This group is known as the Global Elite.

Their wealth is accumulating on a compound basis. They determine the course of history, through virtual control of the world economy.

They are working to a 'grand plan' which is now well-advanced.

The common reaction of people when first hearing of the global elite and their operations is one of disbelief and a refusal to give the claims any credibility as it appears so outrageous. But during the last few years there has been an increasing volume of books, articles and essays, all with the same story. All are based on well-documented research. The information revealed is consistent with the events of recent history, leaving no room for doubt. It is the "New World Order" taking shape - the Global Elite strategy.

For our purposes. the concentration of control over financial resources started with the Industrial Revolution. The 18th century saw the emergence and rapid rise of the House of Rothschild - the largest and most powerful financial empire - built on money embezzled by Mayer Amschel Bauer (later Rothschild) from William IV, who had stolen it from the soldiers he had hired out to the British government to fight Napoleon's armies. Rothschild sent the money to England, bought vast quantities of gold from the East Indian Company, used this to finance the Duke of Wellington's exploits and, working through the Brotherhood network, manipulated governments and created wars and revolutions. He lent money to both sides of the conflicts in what became a standard practice of the banking elite. Rothschild's influence can hardly be overstated, for it was the precursor of today's vast transnational corporations and banking empires which have extended their control to the four corners of Earth in the long-term agenda of the Brotherhood. As Historian John Reeves puts it:

Little could Mayer Amschel have anticipated that his sons would in after years come to exercise such an unbounded sway that the peace of nations would depend upon their nod; that the powerful control they exercised on the European money markets would enable them to pose as the arbiters of peace and war, since they could at their pleasure withhold or furnish the percuniary [sic] means required to carry on a campaign.

But this, incredible as it may seem, was what their vast influence, combined with their enormous wealth and unlimited credit, enabled them to do, for no firms existed strong enough to oppose them for any length of time, or rash enough to take up a business which the Rothschilds had refused. To reach this exulted position, Mayer Amschel and his sons required the cooperation of the states, but, when once he had climbed over their banks and reached the height of his ambition, he was independent of all aid and could act with the greatest freedom, whilst the states remained in a suppliant attitude at his feet.

The Rothschild approach was reportedly summed up by Mayer Amschel himself: "Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws." When Rothschild's son Nathan died, his eldest son, Lionel, took over, making massive loans to the British and American governments and others, including some $80 million to Britain to finance the Crimea War. Lionel was succeeded by the second Nathan, the first Lord Rothschild, who took his seat in the House of Lords in 1885. He became the governor of the Bank of England (the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street) with unlimited power over the world's financial system. That power has not diminished - far from it - it has simply expanded with new empires like that of Morgan and Rockefeller, so that in the closing decade of this century the power and the control of the world's financial system behind its many 'fronts' is completely in the hands of the Global Elite and is enormous.

But to return to the start of the Industrial Revolution. At its beginning, the ruling powers in Great Britain embarked on one of the most sustained efforts to destroy community life ever undertaken. From 1770 to 1830 some 3,280 enclosure bills were passed putting into private hands for private gain more than six million acres of commonly-held lands. By 1830 not a single country had more than three percent of its land open to public use. According to historian George Sturt:

To the enclosure of the commons more than to any other cause, may be traced all the changes which have subsequently passed over the village. It was like knocking the keystone out of an arch. [Read More ... ]