Further Reading

Thursday 5 March 2009

"Switch Off Your TV" ... From Wraith

There are snowdrops in flower and daffodils and tulips coming up in my garden – spring is nudging winter out at last….I feel at my lowest ebb in winter like a lot of other people and its easy to sit in front of the TV getting mind-washed, although I try to limit my watching to just the one or two programmes I like to see; there’s been a lot of reading, baking and cooking going on this winter.
But now that not only spring, but HDTV is fast approaching, I’m going to use as my rule SWITCH OFF YOUR TELEVISION SET AND GO AND DO SOMETHING LESS BORING INSTEAD! I wouldn’t presume to tell anyone else what to do but there are great hobbies that take you away from that insidious little brainwasher. Some people live close to mobile towers and it might be hard to get away from other negative frequencies, but I’m in the process of investigating the use of crystals to deflect the waves, I know some people have been making orgone crystal packs and there is plenty on Youtube about how to make one and where to put it to reduce the ELF effects. I was thinking more of putting stuff in the house though. We don’t live close to any towers that I can see but there are mobile phones, pc’s and a tv here at home (what, only 1 tv I hear you say!) so I’d like to look into neutralising them. If I find a way I’ll keep you posted.

I’ve been reading up on frequencies and their uses – first the bad news, negative frequencies can make you ill – very, very ill. Three German doctors have written to the US government warning about the surge in patients with similar indications: headaches, burning sensations on the skin and in the body, muscular pains and lethargy. The doctors investigated and found that if they took the patients to mountain areas where they were not exposed to ELF frequencies (mobile phone towers and HD TV) that the patients symptoms cleared up within a couple of weeks. I’m sure that the US government will take this information on board and exercise immense caution in going ahead with their plan to switch off the analogue TV towers and switch on the digital – won’t they? It might mean that everyone who has been given a free digi box voucher (at a cost of some $700Bn to the govt – very generous of them) to make sure they all changed over, would have to give a refund back, but what price your health?

There’s a link here to this warning letter – I notice it was sent to the president himself.


Going deeper into this, there are some historians/scientists who believe that such ancient events as the bringing down of the walls of Jericho and maybe the Ark of the Covenant which was carried into battle to ensure victory, could have been tied up with the use of frequency sounds. Please don’t ask me to list sources, I have read more books than I care to think about (some of them real heavy going, my brain is in need of some Solfeggio repair!) and used this to form an overall picture. You can Google away and find plenty of short articles, I’m sure, by looking at negative and positive sound frequencies and their uses by various organisations.

However, as you will no doubt have seen in Matthew’s articles there are some major, very beneficial, effects to frequencies – if you use the correct ones. Even scientists use the 528 frequency to repair broken DNA strands. Nikola Tesla (probably the world’s most outstanding genius) said that if people only understood the importance of the threes, sixes and nines this would be a different planet – most people didn’t understand this but its all laid out for those who have eyes to see it. Its even in Numbers in the bible though with a bit missing, of course.

Long but valuable article here to explain: if you don’t want to read about the big pharma, scroll down till you see a line beginning “New World Order” and read from there – this is a long article and heavy in places, but vital if you want to be the best you can be. I notice from Matthew’s polls that many people want to be more psychic, if so read and take on board how important frequencies are in achieving a spiritually ascended body, as well as how to heal and balance yourself from all the damage you’ve had done to you in your lifetime. Dr Horowitz’ books and websites are also named and linked here – absolutely recommended reading.


There are a lot of people on this planet – you’d never convince them all but you only need to convince a proportion that positive frequencies can change everything.

Remember my first article, I said Dr Horowitz had a plan? He is getting together groups all over the world of musicians and singers, to chant the sacred Solfeggio scales all at the same times over a period of three days this year. He says if the right number of people do it, then its game over for evil. He prayed to be told how to solve the problems of the world and he believes the original sound frequencies being rediscovered is the answer. They can raise our vibrations so much that they can actually change people and wouldn’t it be amazing if people stopped being so mean to each other? Imagine where the limits would be – I don’t think there would be a limit to what we could achieve. Funny that Dr Horowitz comes from Philadelphia, and in Revelations it states that one will come out of Philadelphia with the means to change the world! He is aware of this, being a very religious man, but is very modest about it and makes it clear he does NOT see himself as some kind of angel. He’s just a mortal man albeit a very astute one and tells people how he was almost kept back a year at school because of his abysmal grades. You don’t have to be a genius to change the world though.. http://www.liveh2o.org/ is the website to learn about the worldwide human effort being organised.

So, back to springtime activities….I’m fancying taking up gardening big-style, photography amateur-style and learning all there is to learn about Solfeggio and detoxing, obsessive-style. Bottle up some ordinary tap water, stick labels with LOVE, GRATEFULNESS etc on the bottles, and plant up some vegetables and flowers, using the bottled water to nourish them. I hope we all have bumper crops and we’ll save money, be healthy and get away from the chattering monkey in the corner of the living room too. Got to be worth it, eh?