Further Reading

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Today's Comment (or 'On The Soapbox')

There is nothing new under the sun

I'm actually quite tired today ... so I will keep my comment brief. After sharing an interesting conversation with a fellow traveller on the flight home last night, I've been milling over a few things in my mind today. Our conversation touched on ancient civilisations and lost technology; unexplanable finds in caves and in archaeological digs. We discussed in passing the Maori. We were clearly both shared the same open minded view of Mother Earth .
Civilisation has basically come right round in a circle. Aritifacts uncovered around the world have been defying the scientific world for decades. All kept rather hush hush from Joe Public. The topic of advanced civilisations tens of thousands before 'the dawn of man' a big black hole in which all the findings have been pushed ... and like dust been brushed under the carpet.
But the defiant ones of us ... those with the wide open mind ... know the truth. Can accept the truth; and see the picture as being rather simple really. We are not in the most advanced civilisation which this planet has ever known. There is so much evidence from the ancient world that can prove how primitive our culture and its technology is compared with the societies that History has brushed off as being 'primitive'. The tools of these so called primitives are light years ahead of what we have ... they must have been to create such precise and logically defying artifacts and buildings.
Our discussion touched on the pyramids of Giza and the former limestone covering which must have shone so brightly that they would be seen from space. The reference by the ancients to the shining mountains. The reality that there is so much precise machine parts within the pyramids that they must have had some mechanical function back then. I mentioned the likelihood that many of the empty chambers contained something on the lines of GPS tracking or location beacons ... and have been removed sometime in the past.
But what would need such things in a primitive world? Flying craft perhaps? Maybe ... it's the same with much of the civilisations legends ... perhaps the earthlings were primitive and within them or on the earth at those times was an advanced race ... ?? That makes sense.
We are such a gullible race also to believe earth is the only habital planet and we are the only intelligent life out there. There are trillions and trillions of suns out there and thus millions of planets which can sustain life out there somewhere. So by the laws of probability there is life out there ...
My attention turned to Mars today and my new toy ... Google Mars ... part of the Google Earth package. I had a play tonight ... there is a fantastic image of Mars above which could be somewhere on Earth. I went on a tour of Mars down canyons, into craters, along old water courses ... it was a spectacular experience. I saw what I consider to be rivers and waterbeds but the NASA technician or the obnoxious scientist will say 'no, no, no ... you are mistaken' ... but, I've done numerous RV excursions to Mars in the last three decades ... its interesting to have several landmarks confirmed via Google Mars. It was weird that I felt I knew my way around several points on Mars.
Go on sceptics laugh at this stage ... ha ha ha ... I will laugh with you. But I know for a fact there are agencies around the Globe who take Remote Viewing very seriously and they too will have gone to Mars.
There are numerous points in the imagery where there has been an overlap between strips of NASA photgraphs not quite fitting right. I noticed one which was really interesting. On the right of it there was an area which looked like a deep lake or sea ... on its left hand side jutting right across 'the sea' was a strip of photographs that most certainly did not fit there. I wondered why? Perhaps an accident or perhaps one of the attempts to cover up the Mars Anomalies which popular conspirators claim are on Mars. I am open minded enough to do my own research on this front ... and have seen photographs from NASA so obviously tampered with to hide something ... 'evidence of life on Mars'?? Past or present ... it matters not in truth ... my own out of body experiences as an innocent child revealed there has been a civilisation on Mars. I believed it then and I most certainly believe it now.
This is my opinion only. I am not preaching it as a new religion or as a political manifesto at this point. I'm merely on my soapbox on a street corner deep in Cyberspaceville ... expressing my right to say freely what is on my mind.
I seriously believe we, as a whole, as the human race minus the twisted minority who know the truth, have been deceived ... are being lied to ... have information which we have the god given right to know withheld from us appertaining to the true history of this planet. Information relating to what is out there in space ... and what is visiting us from space and is also residing somewhere on or in this planet ...
There is a growing number of folk on this planet who are now thinking the same and it is about time the cloak was lifted to confirm what so many of us know anyway ... we are not alone!