Further Reading

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Today's Comment

If your circle stays unbroken
Then you're a lucky man
'Cause it never, never, never has for me

Have you ever stopped to think what it must be like to be a ghost? Basically a consciousness trapped in one dimensional world, no longer belonging in that world, but somehow unable to find the way to its new home ~ another dimensional world?

That bold statement is assuming two things of course; that ghosts exist and that ghosts are more than a 'emotional recording' in the ether of a particular place.

The statement is made by someone accepting of the distinct reality that there are consciouness states which can be perceived in this world ... moving shadows cross the room, and catch the attention of my eyes, when I look again there is no-one there ... ghosts exist in my reality. But it is not my intention to preach or force my opinion on you; there are enough internet sites in cyberspace that preach their gospel, both 'for' and 'against' ghosts ... no, my intention is to make you stop and think for a while. To try and IMAGINE what it must be like to be a ghost. A little like a child's game of pretend really.

Imagine wandering the streets of your local town at night, aware of all the party goers in the public houses; sitting outside the cafes and the restaurants going about their nightly business; the hustle and the bustle of the night life. Dating couples pass you by arm-in-arm oblivious of you being there. They don't see you but you can see them. The road narrows and there is a couple walking towards you ... they cannot avoid colliding with you ... you shout a word of warning 'oy ignorant, can you not see me?' ... they then walk straight through you. Yes, through you ... and it is then you come to the conclusion in a state of shock, you must be a ghost ... you must have died somehow!

Yet you can touch yourself. You can feel the ground beneath your feet. You can still feel the air around you. You have form and are still on the world you have always known ... you can still think and see and feel and smell ...

Yet nobody can see you.

It is a scary revelation.

Then there is the other side of things. If you are sensitive like me, I can sit in this room on my own ... minding my own business ... and a sudden movement will catch my eye. I will turn to my right and watch a shadow wander across the room even with the light on ... as I watch this shadow I can just discern a human like shape ~ an imprint of light ~ a light body? There is a sense of movement often like a face moving to look towards me ... or even movement like an arm being moved. It is NOT my imagination. I've seen these moving shadows for such a long time ....

Indeed, I would often see moving shadows in my parent's home. On one such occasion, I was sitting to the left of my late Father. I noticed my Father was whincing in apparent pain every now and again. He was quite agitated. I asked him what the matter was ... he informed me that he was aware of people walking right up to him and walking past him .... he could see them in the corner of his eye! He was convinced he was hallucinating and was in a bit of a panic.

Anyway, to cut a long story short ... I began to take note of the moving shadows which were crossing the front room in front of me. A couple of these moving shadows were walking in the direction of my Father. Keeping sight of the shadows wasn't easy in broad daylight ... but one appeared to go right up to him. At that exact moment he winced again. In the back of my mind, through my own clairvoyance, I was aware this was a lady wearing what appeared to be a red dress. At that moment I shouted out to my Father to describe 'the person' he was seeing .... he declared immediately, "it's a woman and she's wearing a red dress!"

It was a fantastic revelation for my Father ... but a perfect confirmation for me of the moving shadows at the time.


Original Artwork 'Between Two Worlds' by Matthew James