Further Reading

Thursday 5 March 2009

Today's Comment

The summit has gone out of view, hidden by thick black clouds
A storm is brewing; I hear the distant thunder
A lightning flash and I see the impenetrable rock walls and the vertical screes momentarily
It was a power uncontrollable; a danger to all; certainly no light shone then
the energy must have appeared as grey, blended in with the storm clouds
(Matthew James 10/9/01)

There are many, many deceptions afoot as I write these words ... so which one should I focus upon? Which clandestine operation should I undertake an RV experiment on next? The world we live in ... is certainly NOT the place which is being portrayed in education, science and media. The majority of us have been brainwashed into our way of thinking by the minority. A small percentage of unstable, insecure and distinctly GREEDY souls have gone out of their way to paint a picture of the world which is NOT the true reality we exist in ... it is a picture which has been created to suit their own sick and twisted agenda. Call in 'The Emperor's New Clothes' on a grand scale ... a landscape painting which has been many centuries in the making ... only now is it being unveiled. Perfectly timed to coincide with this technological age we are being blinded in.

On a daily basis we are kept like the blind mice ... in a labyrinth we are forced to wander through by touch alone. Our awareness and perception of that sense of touch has been totally distorted by toxic chemicals and nasty wavelength airborne frequencies that has totally knackered up our DNA signals. We put faith that our sense of touch is leading us into safe pastures ... when in truth our sense of touch is very much under the control of the sick and twisted minority. We are like flies who've had their wings removed.... buzzing round and round in silly circles. Bastards!

They won't defeat the majority in the end. The collective consciousness will not permit it. The human oversoul has its own agenda for evolvement. The infinite consciousness within us all cannot be harnessed and it cannot be changed ... the signal from it can be disconnected which is what the bastards have been doing to us for centuries ...

My own philosophy states that the universal consciousness has parachuted entities into the physical plane who are actually immune to the poisoning and the tampering which is being dumped onto the human race as a near whole. These entities have very powerful energy signatures ... and since thought energy, of which we are all created, is essentially electromagnetic in its nature, the effect is that these powerful energy signatures will eventually create a domino effect on the consciousness of the human collective. Over time these energy signatures will influence each and every one of us on this planet. Our thought patterns and ways of thinking will change ... and we will become slakeless to the effects of the systematic and deliberate poisoning of our human bodies and brains. These effects will be a little like the slow acting poisons which we are fed each and every day (the junk food and drinks we all consume) ... not noticed until it is too late. A build up of powerful 'cognitive antibodies' for want of a better term ... which will eventually create a bridge between our lower aspect and our higher aspects. Once that full connection is re-established, the sick bastards in the minority will have no control over us, no matter what they try.

This has been happening slowly but surely over the last few decades. Hence the urgency and the panic now which has been generated by 'the Global Elite' ... they are frantically trying to accelerate their agenda to counteract the power generators who are on the planet.

Things may not be hunky dory out there in the world. Things are only going to get worse ... but they do say it is darkest before the dawn.

There is a dawn approaching and it cannot be prevented from shining in all its glory ... mark my words.