Further Reading

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Where's The Plane?

An interesting piece of live footage around the time of the 2nd plane strike on 9/11. Interestingly, 'the obvious' appears to be missing.

The notes with the You Tube footage read:

'http://nomoregames.net/index.p hp?page=911&subpage1=press_rel ease_03082008Two Qui Tam cases - U.S. District Court, SDNY -- 9/11 related: One alleges Twin Towers destroyed by Directed Energy Weapons whose toxic effects continue at Ground Zero. Other alleges No Planes hit the towers Directed energy weapons. The live image aired on 9/11 by NBC 4 does not match the stored images at NBC. There was no plane, a translucent - extremely dim orb was seen on 9/11 NBC 4 (you may need to check it by expanding the image). In the stored files by NBC a tiny orb can be more clearly seen, as if it were colored to look more intense.See additional analysis of the military controlled media deception on 9/11 at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh7cKD...

Furthermore, at the end of the explosion another advanced device can be seen below the site of attack that was not there before the attack to WTC2, the same device was filmed by Peter DiPilato and featured in the "7 Days in September" documentary by CameraPlanet (as well as the white E-4B showing up for seconds), as well as in two different pieces of original footage aired by the German RTL documentary "Die Letzten..." (in the U.S.: "Inside the Twin Towers")

Then the orb (laser - orb) filmed by Jenniffer Spell and aired as well at NBC and in the documentary "On Native Soil" and posted at video.google.com by CameraPlanet itself (in the full Speel footage there you can see another white jet E-4B flying after the explosion attack on the WTC2).The extreme corruption of the U.S. Mass Media and the U.S. Politics can be seen in the next comment:"... journalists and politicians hang out. And the big problem with the Fourth Estate is that they have these people on their talk shows, and high-five them at the White House press dinner. And they don't dare say too many negative things because they want to keep their nice jobs". Brian De Palma (Zest. Film Interview. Nov. 25, 2007. P. 20)."

We have no option but to do our own homework and to use the personal media to present reality beyond the corrupt Mass Media composed by the TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals, Radio, etc., the ones that sided with the U.S. Government and plotted to blur the fact that 9/11 was a Black Program sponsored by Cheney, Bush, Pentagon under criminal Rumsfeld and all those "intelligence" licker agencies (NSA, FBI, CIA...)

MJ Opinion
I remain on neutral ground with this footage. I merely present this footage as it is, without passing any judgement on this. My own opinion may or may not match that of this posting .... however I choose to remain silent on this matter. It is up to you the observer to decide for yourself what the content of this footage implies.