Further Reading

Wednesday 4 March 2009

A Word on 'Duck Totem Animals'

Ducks are connected to feminine energies, the astral plane and emotions through their connection with water. Ducks remind us to drink deeply from the waters of life. Find comfort in your element and with those of like mind and spirit.

Ducks teach you how to manoeuvre through the waters of life with grace and comfort. Psychologist and therapists often have Ducks as a totem, assisting them to help others move through emotional tangles.

Ducks are the largest and most diverse group of waterfowl. Frequently males and females are coloured differently (the males having brighter plumes), and have different vocal sounds. They prefer being in places where they are comfortable and will return to those places. They have a strong sense of community and are social.

Duck reminds us that we sometimes need to return to the parts of ourselves that need to feel safe and comfortable. Duck also teaches us to be graceful when handling our emotions and to drink sustenance from the waters of life. (Original Photograph: Matthew James)