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Monday, 20 April 2009
A Close Up ...
A close up of the 'sunstorm' scaremongering news story image .... which is 'predicting' a sun storm calamity in three years time. Three years time ... let me see ... that will be 2012. That's the year of the Mayan prophecy is it not?
Take a close look at this image ... which is part of the new's story image enlarged and enhanced as much as I can do it ...
There are some disturbing aspects to this image. A face to the right hand side with a bald head above Big Ben; a male figure in shadow with its arm held aloft in the bottom right of the image ... in its other hand it seems to be holding some kind of light or lantern; a light source like flames or fire to the bottom left of the image; and an overall feeling of flames and fire with the entire image. There in fact another figure in the 'smoke' behind the figure holding the lantern!
This appears to be some kind of subliminal message in my eyes ... especially the way the sun image is enlarged ... and hangs so ominously over London (Whitehall).