Further Reading

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Inspiration for the Day

"For we must prepare for when the wheel next comes round. When the universe feels the light of the central sun once more. When the time of darkness we have just entered comes to an end. When the circle returns to the start. Then, we will slowly remember and rejoin again. Now is not the time. Mankind has yet to have the experience it requires. Mankind must still face years if its shadow having control; and it enjoys its power and tries to destroy itself. Let Belial have its fun.

We cannot be destroyed
Matter cannot be destroyed
It becomes something else and moves on
NO matter can be ended
Existence is eternal
There is only life
There is no death

Belial may teach that after death you cease to exist. But he is wrong. Life is eternal. On a tree through eternity you climb. You move from one bough to another. Your consciousness changes. You learn and grow. You choose to rise or fall. You don’t die! Your physical form may be shed but your energy moves on!"

Extract taken from "The Chronicles Of Ezra" by Matthew James