Further Reading

Monday, 20 April 2009

Stargate Theory?

It has been theorized by many credible sources that there are Stargates buried in the sands of Iraq. According to popular beliefs, Iraq was once "The Garden of Eden".

Iraq also marks the home of the ancient Sumerians who held strong extraterrestrial beliefs relating to inter-dimensional travel and may indeed hold the key to human creation. Many great names have came forward and proclaimed that the US Government not only knows about these Stargates, but are in pursuit to acquire them. Dan Burisch, an area 51 (S4) worker, claims that a stargate in Iraq actually does exist, and confirms the accusations that the Iraq war is a cover for the "fight for the stargate".

The Anunnaki (The Gods From The Sky) placed a Stargate on our planet for instantaneous transportation of humans to communicate peacefully with other worlds. The Anunnaki hoping that the Earthlings intentions were pure and good hearted left this in control of the civil heads of government in Uruk, the city also possessed airstrips for the landing of levitation craft for Alien craft. The mass amount of western interest in this area including Egypt have led to many crazy conspiracy theories, but if you disregard all the fallacies in those theories, you come out with the truth.