Further Reading

Wednesday 1 April 2009

A Word On 'Alchemical Transformation'

Alchemy is a soul science of spiritual intellect that seeks knowledge and understanding of the Alchemical inter-relationship between Humanity, Nature, and Divinity, viewing them as a "Triune Oneness".

As a science, Alchemical Transformation also deals with the material realm of minerals, plants, animals, and metal, since matter and spirit are interconnected like two sides of a coin. The Alchemist seeks to learn how to accelerate (in a relatively short period of time) the evolution of inherent seed potentials in accord with evolutionary laws.

Unlike chemistry where external elements of matter are mixed, compounded, and decomposed into different forms and substances, the Alchemist Practitioner o Alchemy and Alchemical Transformation must develop sufficient spiritual power to activate something in its pre-existent latent state and cause it to grow; making the unmanifest manifest.

Although Alchemy and Alchemical Transformation Procedures can be taught and learned by the Alchemist through reasoning, to really accomplish anything significant, to awaken the sleeping spiritual potential within matter, the Alchemist must also be a primordial artist imbued with Divine Powers.

In its highest aspect, Alchemy enables one to regenerate, to transmutate, and to transform something that is earthly into something that is divine. Just as an acorn can become a might oak through both elemental power and quintessence; a human being can be transformed into a God or Goddess.

The aphorism of Hermes Trismegistus, "As Above So Below", is a great Cosmic Law and a chief tenet of Alchemy teachings and traditions. The work of Paracelsus, the physician and Alchemist, influenced Dr. Bach who developed the flower essences infused with the spiritual and elemental forces of Nature to help heal the human spirit. Carl Jung viewed Alchemy as a transformative process, an archetypal system of psychological symbols.

The Grail energy for the Alchemists was intimately connected with the integrity, immutability, and immortality of Materia Prima, First Matter, the chalice cauldron of unlimited potent potentialities and primal prescience.

Over the millenium, different categories of Alchemy have developed including: Egyptian, European, Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu, Hermetic, Mystical, Metaphysical, Personal, Psychological, Shamanic, and Quantum.

Many original Alchemy books had allegorical writings and illustrations that were symbolic and deliberately obscure, requiring considerable effort to glean their meaning and intent. Even today writings on practical Alchemy are rare since the core Alchemical Transformation Teachings are passed on by the Alchemist through oral traditions (Read More ... )