In his 2003 book Lost Secrets of the Ark of the Covenant, author Laurence Gardner explained the rediscovery of monatomic gold, which he claims could be the alchemical Philosopher’s Stone, used by the ancients to “feed their light bodies” – or travel to an “alternative dimensional state of being.”
PGMs, or platinum group metals, were first (re)discovered in the 19th century. But when a wealthy cotton farmer named David Hudson discovered the mother lode on his property in Phoenix, Arizona in 1976, it revived an age-old mystery. Hudson was treating his soil with chemicals, and found that a certain mineral had the unusual ability to “flare up in a blaze of white light and totally disappear” when exposed to sunlight. During spectroscopic arcing, the application of intense electrical heat, part of the atom becomes white light – its weight seems to disappear, but actually it is just removed to an alternate non-physical dimension. It looks like a white powder, but behaves as a stone, is said to change colors, produce brilliant light and deadly rays.
Hudson patented his discovery as ORMEs – orbitally rearranged monatomic elements, in the late 1980s. (Note the 1991 Bruce Willis movie called Hudson Hawk, about a gold machine.) He also began contacting scientists who were researching a new fuel cell technology, and found they had been having problems with white light explosions. In their experiments, the metals seemed to fall to about half their weight, seeming to disappear from sight until cooled, when they would miraculously reappear. They had discovered superconductors. A superconductor contains a flowing ‘liquid’ light, like a plasma, with a null magnetic field. This meant they could levitate, and the magnetic field surrounding the superconductor is called a Meissner Field.
ORMEs are said to have extraordinary powers of levitation, transmutation, and teleportation. The Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas calls it ‘exotic matter’, capable of bending space-time. They theorized the material resonated into an alternative perceptual vision, another dimension of space-time, and could enable speed-of-light travel. (Source: Surfing The Tao)