Further Reading

Sunday 24 May 2009

Fire Codes

The are 12 dormant gene codes in the human DNA corresponding to 12 of the 15 Star Crystal Seals are individually referred to as Genetic Time Codes, Codes of Transmutation or Fire Codes. Collectively, the 12 Fire Codes are known as the Silicate Matrix or the Crystal Gene. This is the original gene construction of the human organism.

DNA Strand represents a Fire Letter Code/Scalar-wave program sequence corresponding to 1 Dimensional Frequency Band of consciousness/energy.

These dormant gene codes allow for the separate DNA strands to "plug into each other", a condition necessary for Cellular Transmutation. The 12 dormant DNA codes correspond to 12
Star Crystal Seals and each code carries the frequencies and light spectra contained within the Star Crystal Seal.

Through distortions within the DNA Seed Codes, the Fire Codes of the Silicate matrix break down and can no longer function. Without operational Fire Codes, the body becomes locked within its dimensional space-time location. The Fire Codes of the Silicate Matrix are restored to function through correcting distortions within the DNA Seed Codes; as the Seed Codes are repaired, the Fire Codes reassemble. (Keylontic Dictionary)