Further Reading

Friday 22 May 2009

Humanity Under Siege

The DNA of humanity is under siege by faceless sociopaths that see the human herds in the world today as nothing more than useless eaters that are preventing them from having the luxury of the total control they seek over the entire planet. Part of their plans include the extermination of 4.5 billion people; in order to be able to control the remaining 1.5 billion slaves that will be needed to support them. That is the Illuminati plan for you and me.

All life forms come with built-in threat and survival instincts, to protect us from those things that will do major harm, or could possibly result in death; if they are not acted upon. Just as everything that lives requires water and food along with a bit of shelter to survive and grow-humans need these things as well. But over the last four or five decades a massive threat to our existence has been allowed to grow, like a parasitic cancer, within the human race. This disease is blind and deaf as well dumb, when it comes to investigating anything that has to do with where we get the things we say we 'need' to live.

For instance, beginning with the invasion of Palestine over sixty years ago, the developed world has been carrying out ever more deadly raids upon resources and peoples in any number of nations-worldwide. Those that directly 'profit' from what is stolen from these people and their lands have become numb to the true price that we are paying with this privatized slaughter of innocent people, just as we have remained blind to how much blood is intermixed with the oil we have extorted at the point of our weapons from those that live in the regions where profits are produced; or in the nations through which these pipelines continue to flow.

So, as it recently has been from Gaza to Pakistan, from Iraq and Afghanistan, all the way to Iran, Lebanon and possibly Syria we are all involved through acquiescence in the carnage that's about to be: The latest form of which has just exploded in Niger, over the last nine days.

"We turn now to Nigeria, where the Nigerian military continues to carry out attacks by land, air and sea on the oil-rich Niger Delta. Reports indicate hundreds, possibly thousands, of Nigerian civilians may be dead. Entire villages have reportedly been burned to the ground.
The military offensive began eight days ago but has received little international attention. Aid groups and journalists have been blocked from entering the remote region, which is accessible only by boat.

On Wednesday, a coalition of environmental and human rights groups called on the International Criminal Court to launch an immediate investigation into the killings. The Nigerian military has claimed the attacks have only targeted militant camps as part of a peace-keeping effort.

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