Further Reading

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Preparing To Be Incarnate ...

Alcyone gazed at her home lands for one last time, with regret. She had just received the signal for her immediate departure. Her time of immortality had temporarily drawn to a close. Her role was to be that of a volunteer; a special mission. Her energies were to be linked directly to the life force known as Gaia, to ensure its recovery.

Tearfully, she gazed around the landscape she had grown so accustomed to; and then relaxed; she was hardly going to be gone anyway. Though as a mortal many years would seem to pass; in her own time zone mere moments would pass before she made her return.

It was one of the conditions of her existence; a world in need of cleansing and purification meant a time of mortal incarnation once in a while. Alcyone, daughter to Aolus and once wife to Ceyx, king of Thessaly, lived her existence within the gracious shores of The Pleiades; named after her predecessors, The Pleiads.

She was happy to be true to her word. The Alkeem craft had appeared in the sky above her world. Her heart had missed a beat on seeing its arrival. She had known what it had meant! Resigned, then, to her imminent fate, she had watched as the peaceful and gentle being had walked towards her. He had introduced himself to her as Khensheen; she’d known in that instance just who he was; and of what service she would be asked to perform.

She was to be the source of The Photon beam that was to envelope its light around Gaia. She was to be the focus with which the healers could direct their energies towards the troubled world; thus ensuring all inhabitants of that tiny world could be cured of their shadow's affliction.

Without hesitation she had walked forward and hugged the gentle & smiling man, before accepting the golden disk he had offered to her. The disk contained all the memories with which she would craft her mortal thought form.

The crafting had proven difficult. It had been many ages since her last incarnation. Thus, Khensheen had stayed behind to aid her in her work. Together they created a gentle and loving female memory - a life of love and compassion. A life where much hostility would be directed towards the child’s spirit – but from an early age she was to be single minded and determined. Her parents would be supportive and aware, from the moment of her conception, of her special identity. They would thus have the capacity to protect the child from any undue harm. She had, after all, linked once with her mother to be

It had been then that Khensheen had added the memory banks into the computer consule within his ship; a consule that was linked directly to The Yonah Group Mind … the Lords Of Order who determined the activities and personnel on the distant world. Khensheen then uploaded the images of her Gaia parents onto the screen, for her to become attuned to their personas; though she would forget most of it in the instance she became again incarnate.

Draft Extract taken from 'The Host' written by Matthew James