Further Reading

Monday, 1 June 2009

A Deadly Gemstone

The Gorf arrived just as Brad Landers was disappearing into the sector of The Fortress it could not enter. Ahead of him ran one of its old adversaries. It was in terrible pain. Clone 112-05 had been destroyed. Its extermination felt by all the Gorf Clones and by The Master itself. The Master's mind reeled. Only one weapon could inflict so much pain. Only one stone!

But, it had so painstakingly located all of that crystal. All traces of Lodonite, a glowing orange crystal had been destroyed. Lodonite had not been of the earth plane. It had been prized by The Atlantean's for its energy enhancing properties.

Large quantites of the crystal had been brought to the earth in molten state, one hundred and thirty thousand years earlier by The Gorf's bitter enemies, The Chaldeans. It was the only thing that could destroy The Gorf. All of The Gorf's kin and fellow homeworlders who had journeyed to earth, from their home world Paoyl 4 which circled Algol, had been destroyed by the power of Lodonite.

The Gorf was scared. The Host had a chunk of the gem, he knew that without doubt. Somehow, an Atlantean had survived. Obviously it had tele-transported itself onto a vibration within the prison that The Gorf could not detect. If there was one, surely there could be more.

The Gorf stood at the entrance to the sector of The Fortress known as The Labyrinth. For twenty five thousand years The Labyrinth had remained as it once had been in the time of Atlantis. Seen no longer by human eyes.

A mighty maze of corridors and holographic imagery that the humans had devised as a living book of life, to teach and train initiates of The One God Cult, who were to be responsible for teaching mankind the ways of Osiris.

Within the labyrinth somewhere, the body of Osiris lay. The power of forbidding set then still remained. Only human DNA strands could pass through the entrance. Somewhere in there, the machinery still operated. The computer still active, storing all the memories of human existence. Within its records the true story of The Gorf would be awaiting discovery. The Gorf had tried to enter. But each time, a force field had sent it back. It had tried sending in humans under his control. Some had returned, totally insane. Many never did. The Gorf had assumed they still wandered The Labyrinth. It had set up numerous explosive charges, laser beams and walking human bombs, over the centuries, intent on The Labyrinth's destruction. None had worked. The force field around the maze had absorbed the blast. Any humans sent into the maze with explosives somehow came back out again, the charge detonating outside of the maze, harmlessly.

The Gorf was panic stricken. It was powerless. Somewhere within The Labyrinth, it knew The Host walked. It was then the thought about a replacement Host entered its mind - the human female? It cast its mind to the FBI agent, Beth Travers, who was now being held in The Fortress. For some unknown reason her DNA stranding had reacted correctly to its testing. Perhaps all was NOT lost.

Draft Extract taken from 'The Host' written by Matthew James