Further Reading

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Making Psi Balls

Psiballs are balls of psychic energy. They can be any size, density, shape, texture, etc. They can be used to carry information, investigate an area, heal, warm, or cool an area, or simply to play with and to practice energy control.

Draw energy and direct it outward through your hands. Cup your hands as if you were holding a baseball or a ball of cookie dough, with one hand below it and one above it. Picture the energy flowing from your body, through your arms, and out through your hands.

Feel the energy swirling and building up between your hands. Make the energy into a ball between your hands, making it denser as you add energy. It doesn't matter whether your eyes are open or closed - do whichever is comfortable for you.

Let yourself feel the energy between your hands. Notice any push or pull between your hands, any difference in heat, changing density of the air, sparks of light, waviness of the background behind the energy ball, or anything else that changes.

If you have difficulty creating a strong enough psiball to feel, try drawing more energy and adding that energy to it. It may take practice to make a strong enough psiball to physically see waviness in the air, but you should be able to feel it quickly. Do not worry if you only feel it, and can not see it; that is normal. You may feel a lot of heat between your hands; this means you have drawn energy through them properly.

The sensations you feel may be very slight: tingles, pressure, or tightness. Trust your sensations. You're learning both to shape energy and to perceive it, at once. Both take some time to gain confidence with. If you think you felt something, you probably did.

After you are comfortable making a psiball, try working with friends. Each person starts by creating his or her own psiball. Then combine all of the psiballs into the center of the circle. Each person continues to add energy to the center. After a few minutes, discuss how each person perceives the energy. As a group, try changing the temperature or the density of the energy.

Practice regularly to improve your speed at creating psiballs and your control of them. As you become more comfortable making them, try variations. Make shapes other than a ball; try fire, a pool of water, a crystal, and any other shape you can imagine.

Try changing the temperature of the energy, making it extra warm or extra cool. Make the energy carry different emotions, being agitated, or soothing. If you have a willing partner, try using an energy ball to tickle them.

Make a large energy ball of happy energy, and cover a friend in it. If you do it with a willing friend, but at a time they don't know what's happening, you can see how strongly it affects how they feel. (This often has the effect of making the receiver very happy and bouncy, as if they've had too much sugar or caffeine.) The energy can also be used to heal, by keeping the intention of healing as you create the ball and share the energy with someone.

Psiballs don't have many "practical" uses - their primary purpose is to learn basic energy perception and control. Beyond that, they can be used in all the same ways any energy can. (Read More ... )