There are three types of wombats. The common wombat, the southern hairy nosed and the northern hairy nosed wombat. All are found in Australia. Wombats have long claws adapted for digging. They live in burrows and feed at night on grasses and other plants. They teach us how to dig beneath the surface to acquire the resources needed for change.
Like the beaver the wombats incisor teeth are of continuous growth. They eat frequently to keep these teeth from becoming too large. Proper dental hygiene is important for those with this medicine. Over consumption of food can cause health problems in humans so a balanced diet is advised.
Strong and heavily built, with short powerful legs and strong claws the wombat holds the teachings of stability and foundation. They stand their ground in most all situations and are not easily intimidated. Industrious, determined and very smart they have a large brain and know how to use it. These traits are inherent in wombat medicine people yet not always active. Wombat asks you to wake up and use the gifts that are your birth right. Use your will constructively and don't be too pushy in your determination to achieve.
Wombats are frolicsome and will play with what seems like inexhaustible energy. They are also quite fast when they need to be. Their small ears hear sounds unknown to humans and their small eyes can see what lies between the spaces. This indicates that their psychic vision and psychic hearing are fully developed. Those with this totem often find themselves in situations where their psychic skills are tested, criticized, ignored or praised. They are reminded to honor their truth and not be intimidated by others.
Wombat reminds us to play on the road to enlightenment. It teaches us how to dig beneath the surface and use our will to attain our goals. When the wombat appears it is time to reach out and grab what is rightfully yours. (sayahda)