Further Reading

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Sem-Personal Dreams

The next type of dream to examine is, also, highly personal. These dreams are the dreams involving loved ones and close friends. Often the motifs of these dreams are of personalities, getting along with them and not. Naturally, the thrust of what you do with other people is of working together or learning how to work together, in peace and harmony. Loved ones serve this function very nicely, in physical reality and on the dream plane.

However, personal conflicts or harmony on the dream plane, when it involves others, is more than just getting along with each other; it's also of getting along with yourself. Many times people in these kinds of dreams symbolize aspects of your own self that you are trying to understand. For instance, meeting with a friend of yours that is angry at you for something that you did, not only stands for the obvious (that your friend is mad at you) but, on a more deep meaning, it stands for your own anger at yourself for the way you acted or the way things went. Here's another example. Having a dream involving your mom may not merely stand for you missing your mother (though, of course, it can). A mother figure, in this kind of dream, often stands for your own need to feel loved, nurtured, and cared for. You may be feeling neglected, in your physical life, and your spirit is sending you a message that it's time to pay more attention to that self.

Naturally, the ultimate meaning here rests with what dream plane this dream occurred on, but you do get the idea that people often stand for your own inner conflicts, feelings, and desires. Ultimately, nobody will be present in your life, or dreams, unless that aspect of your own self needs tweaking. (Wisdomsdoor)