More often, than not, past life visions tend to be parables or metaphorical stories of what is occuring in the current life. It is more useful to interpret them in that way, than to assume they are real stories of a past you.
If time and space do not truly exist, and everything is really happening all at once, what is the past? You are All that Is, and one aspect of your consciousness is the collective consciousness, which contains everyone who ever lived.
All lives are yours. It is all connected.
At the level of the collective consciousness, anyone can tap into the consciousness of Cleopatra or Napoleon. Since time and space do not really exist on that level, the past is happening in the here and now and what we think of as past lives can as easily be thought of as happening concurrently in another dimension. Alternate selves living in alternate realities.
You may get memories of past lives, but another way to think of the phenomena is to conceptualize them as storytelling metaphors brought up from the collective for your education. You are all that is, and as your consciousness expands you may have the experience of being any thing or anyone.
Thinking of them as metaphorical stories is more balanced, and often that is what they are. The unconscious mind has the whole of the collective to draw on, and use as parables and metaphors to get you to release karmic issues. Dip a bucket into the collective, what you haul out will be a reflection of who you are, here and now.

All lives are yours. It is all connected.
At the level of the collective consciousness, anyone can tap into the consciousness of Cleopatra or Napoleon. Since time and space do not really exist on that level, the past is happening in the here and now and what we think of as past lives can as easily be thought of as happening concurrently in another dimension. Alternate selves living in alternate realities.
You may get memories of past lives, but another way to think of the phenomena is to conceptualize them as storytelling metaphors brought up from the collective for your education. You are all that is, and as your consciousness expands you may have the experience of being any thing or anyone.
Thinking of them as metaphorical stories is more balanced, and often that is what they are. The unconscious mind has the whole of the collective to draw on, and use as parables and metaphors to get you to release karmic issues. Dip a bucket into the collective, what you haul out will be a reflection of who you are, here and now.
We experience linearity in our daily lives, and there does seem to be some kind of linearity of incarnations, but it is best not to get attached to what you may find or see ...