Further Reading

Friday 28 August 2009

Activity of the Pitris

The Ego, driven by desire for physical experience, has made the initial move and a vibration, emanating from the center of the lotus bud, has reached the lotus petals, and has consequently vibrated in deva substance, or in matter vitalized by the Agnishvattas.
As they are galvanized into activity (according to the group affected) the vibration is increased, and a dual sound is emitted. This dual sound is the basis of the mantram upon which the Ego's cycle of incarnation is founded. The vibration, pulsating through the outer circle of petals (for the two inner circles and the three central petals are not as yet responsive) arrives at the triangle formed by the three permanent atoms, and vivifies the three lower spirulae, causing a slight response in the fourth, and leaving the higher three yet dormant.

In each round one of the spirulae has been 'created,' and in this fourth round (through the creation of the fourth spirilla) the fourth or human kingdom can come into being. The word 'creation' must be occultly understood, and means the appearance in active manifestation of some form of energy. Only in the next round will the fifth spirilla be an active functioning unit in a sense incomprehensible now.

When therefore this vibration from the central Will has arrived at the atomic triangle it is an indication that the entire lotus is turning its force downwards, and for the period of manifestation the flow of egoic energy is towards the lower, and consequently away from the higher. There is at this stage very little turning of egoic energy in the direction of the Monad, for it has not yet generated enough force, and is not as yet radioactive towards the Spirit aspect. Its activities are primarily internal and self-centered for the greater part of the time, or are directed towards arousing the permanent atoms, and not towards the unfolding of the petals. This should be carefully borne in mind ... read more ...