Further Reading

Saturday 29 August 2009

Learning From Trees

The trees are our teachers. Their silence speaks of wisdom and patience for these ancient spirits have persevered the centuries, witnessing human evolution. Take the giant Sequoia, for instance. Not only has this 'big tree' - the most massive of all living forms - been around for more than 135 million years, some of the living ones are believed to be close to 4000 years old.
Trees - they are sturdy, poised, determined, and resilient. They always seem to know where they stand. They exist in the present and radiate presence. They express themselves with ease. These are just a few of the lessons that these wooded creatures have to impart. The tree as an image of illumination and life has made its way to the center of many tales. The Buddha reached enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. According to Norse mythology, Odin became the God of Wisdom by hanging on Yggdrasil, the world ash tree that unites heaven, earth, and hell. And both the Kabalah and Bhagavad Gita describe a tree that grows upside down, with its roots in heaven and its branches in the world. Trees show us how to strive. They connect with all the levels of the cosmos, simultaneously and harmoniously. Their roots burrow deep into the soil, boldly penetrating the unknown world of Under. Their trunks belong to Mother Earth. And their branches reach up, up, swaying fluently in the sky.
May we also stand firmly grounded, bending effortlessly with the winds of change; always growing toward the light. In addition, the leafy guardians represent generosity: they regulate the magnetic field of the earth; they offer us shade, absorb our carbon monoxide and offer us fresh air. May we too try to nourish, shelter and protect one another as well as our fellow forests. Next time you are in the presence of a magnificent trunk, thank it for its beauty and its teachings. Perhaps try placing your hands on its bark and breathing deeply - you may just feel its calm and ageless energy coursing through you.