Further Reading

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

The Mind has no firewalls; the Soul has no firewalls

The study of bio-energetics - the military use of PSI by the non-West, has come up with the concept of the bioinformational field. This equates to the soul; the bioinformational field is that part of man that survives death - albeit in a depleted form. The bioinformational field is the repository of our higher awareness, our mind, and is therefore the form our awareness can take after the body dies.

Our physical bodies are made from biotronic fields (Russian terminology) and are vivified by the bioplasmic field - the energy and information of physical life. As we grew older the biotronic and bioplasmic fields run out of energy and the information they carry downgrades. Inevitably this leads to physical deterioration we characterise as old age. Is this state of affairs inevitable? If we can supply the physical body with new biotronic and bioplasmic field energy coherent with our informational content, then aging can be cancelled. To do this, the use of psycrystals to act as bioplasmic and biotronic energy batteries to replace our depleted stores of these fields and the use of quantum computers in the psycrystal matrix to supply the coherent information lost by aging, overcomes all the problems faced by aging humans.

We all intuitively know that as time goes on our life drains away; up until now there has been no treatment for this condition. The technology to put life force in crystals was developed in the Soviet Union. Now anybody can top up their life force simply by carrying a psycrystal on their person; the PC charges up their biotronic, bioplasmic and bioinformational fields to hold back aging and degeneration - rather like putting a new battery in when the old one runs out.

Using remote viewing to study the loss of biophysical and physical energy, fields and information, many new discoveries were made in the field of: aging, death, after-life and reincarnation. Any remote viewer can see the same results. While we are alive our biotronic and bioplasmic fields degrade due to the rolling force (See Castenada's Fire Within, published by Harper Collins), memetic parasite predations (Castenada, The Active Side of Infinity) and cellular decay caused by entropy, programmed cell death, oxidation, auto-immune dysfunction, bacterial effects, mitochondrial death programming... (see gerontological theories). Programming the quantum computer in the psycrystal matrix to address these problems and adding new biophysical energy to the wearer of the PC is a treatment for the above.

Venturing into this new world using remote viewing, the author discovered a new problem that afflicts humanity - remote influencing by other awarenesses. Our megaverse is awash with life, some have positive biophysical fields like humans, others have negative biophysical fields like mudshadows, larvae, demonic entities, mesmetic parasites ... read more ...