Further Reading

Tuesday 25 August 2009

'An Untitled Transmission'

Our spirituality and philosophy has been changing in recent years, with the most dramatic change being the rewrite of life on other worlds. It is said some ancient writings have been unearthed which confirm our ancestors did indeed leave this planet with ships that could enter space and then disappear ... to reappear elsewhere a great distance away moments later. There have also been excavations in the ruins of our ancient cities which confirm we are not the first great civilisation on this planet. It was a legend that we weren't dismissing, but until now there had been no proof.

I'd been travelling along one of the high speed tubes which travel along the surface of the planet, when a young priest sitting next to me had explained that there were strong rumours that 'earthlings' were on our planet. He was surprised when I told him I did not know what an earthling was. An earthling is apparently an inhabitant of a watery world in our nearby universe named after an early ruler of their's known as Ea ... who was apparently one of our own creator gods who travelled regularly between the two worlds. The earthlings are supposed to speak in a tongue similar to our own and exist on a world with almost the same culture as ours. They are seemingly similar in appearance to us as they were once inhabitants of our world! I find it hard to accept, but then there have been so many radical changes to our philosophy and belief structure in recent years, that it is very probable. Also, in our own enclaves many many strangers have appeared in recent years with a strange accent and wearing strange clothes. It is possible they are earthlings. I am very open minded and think it very probable --- extract taken from 'An Untitled Transmission' by Matthew James