Further Reading

Wednesday 16 September 2009

The 1st Ritual

Enter the druid in brilliant first dawn sunshine.
The magical forest stand ahead; to the left; to the right; and behind.
The clearing is devoid of misplaced twig or branch.
The grass is fresh with dew.
A circle of twenty four paces is marked in blue.
Outside its perimeter is a equal square sixty six.
The square marked in four corners with cairns of quartz, calcite and fluorite

The druid enters the square from the north; the place of death and renewing.

Wordlessly he wanders slowly touching the cairns in a clockwise direction
He begins with the one in the north
He touches gently each and speaks one line to each -
Be at peace with the universe and remember your station.

The druid then enters the circle for wherever he has the wish.
He stands in the middle with his eyes closed;
his arms aloft, his feet slightly down.
His left palm must face upwards to the sky; his right facing down to the earth.

The ritual begins; the druid taking ten breaths of vital prana deep into his lungs.
He holds for a count of ten then exhales.
Inhales once more the same and exhales.
He keeps this up until he senses the universal energy build.

The mantra must begin at this point:
I am a vehicle of the universal consciousness.
I am one with the universal consciousness.
The universal consciousness flows through me freely
and I feel its precious touch.
It enlightens me and
I feel that enlightenment for are but one and the same.

The druid must then instill silence.
His breath must be slow albeit undetected.
He must then sit cross legged on the ground in the centre of the circle.
The druid must then close his eyes and wait for the answer to his summoning.

Written by Matthew James 18 September 2001

Original Stonehenge image by Matthew James