Further Reading

Monday 21 September 2009

Crane Magic

To the ancient Chinese, the Crane was a symbol of justice and longevity. A Crane totem entering your life could signal recovery of what was lost to you.
Crane people have a sense of secrecy and protectiveness. Crane reflects the importance of not dividing your attention between more than one project rather focusing on just the more important one. Mothers with Crane totems do better as stay-at-home moms rather than trying to juggle raising a family and work. If this is impossible, ask Crane to help you accomplish both.

Crane can teach you how to celebrate your creative resources and keep them alive, by having the proper focus in your life.

At one time the crane was a common animal in the British Isles. One late Celtic tradition, apparently originated after the arrival of Christianity, is that cranes are people who are paying a penance for wrong-doing. The crane is associated with the Cailleach and Manannan mac Lir, who made his crane bag from its skin.

The crane, with its colours of black, white, and red, was a Moon bird, sacred to the Triple Goddess. Magic, shamanic travel, learning and keeping secrets, reaching deeper mysteries and truths.