Further Reading

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Facets of the Human Mind

Source: UFO Digest

The human psyche operates in many differing facets which medical science has yet to realize and have yet to study. The subconscious ability of the brain and spiritual aspect of the mind are two functions, which each one of us possesses, but the least understood. The reasons behind the lack of knowledge in these two areas are that they are not functions which are obvious and are used 24/7 such as taste, smell, pain, hearing and feelings of love and hate.

The function of the subconscious mind operates with and aside from that of the conscious mind. From this part of the brain, we are able to delve into realities beyond the physical aspects of existence to that of Extra Sensory Perception, mind reading, being able to view future events before they happen and the very proficient individuals who are able to project thoughts into the minds of others. In most individuals, these abilities are chaotic and sporadic to say the least. In a few certain people, these abilities are more natural and easier to develop and control.

The subconscious is the last physical function of the brain before access to the realization of the spiritual universe, which is the part of the mind, which holds the information of our very existence since the genesis of the universe. Here we access knowledge from realization of who we are and the reasons for being. We also access the collective awareness from every living being on this planet and that of intelligence from beyond our galaxy and dimension. In understandable terms, we become one with every soul, spirit and the creator. Each human possesses this knowledge as part of his or her relation to this ageless existence. It is the clutter of the physical world, which keeps us from realizing this.

Sightings of UFOs, strange animal sightings and even dead celebrities can influence the subconscious and spiritual mind to the point of actually manifesting a physical image of such entities. A single sighting of Bigfoot for example can blossom into several sightings of the creature if enough people hear about it. Multiple sightings of such phenomena produce the image and scenario in the subconscious mind resulting in some actually seeing the same phenomenon. This is because it was actually produced physically by the minds of several people either who want to experience it or who are scared of seeing it. Either way it is the result of a picture implemented in the mind from a single event and projected from the mind into existence.

The mermaid seen in Israel several times in mid August 09, Elvis sightings from time to time, and even Superman sightings are products of the subconscious minds of those who willed the images into existence on this physical plain from their deep and sometimes subliminal desire to have them exist.

However in the great scheme of things before human kind was able to intelligently distinguish the difference between wet and dry such ideas were unheard of. Thus, sightings of strange and out of the ordinary objects and entities had to have a point of genesis.

This could be the result of such things existing in the multitude of dimensions and appearing throughout the ages as actual images seen from other existences. Perhaps Superman does exist on another plain and the idea came from the actual knowledge of his existence from the collective spiritual realizations.