Further Reading

Friday 18 September 2009

Inspiration For The Day

Each of us has an ego with which our essential Identify is associated in space and time. But, this ego is not inherently evil or wicked. It is simply limited and, like any tool or a knife, it can serve a useful function, or it can cause great harm. In its functional role, the ego allows us to walk and talk and hold down a job and pay our bills. In this sense, the ego and the sense of identity we hold about ourselves is like a coil with a bright light shining inside. The greater the illusion and the stronger the sense of false identity, the more tightly coiled the spring. However, when we see through the illusion and the false sense of an independent andseparate self, the coil begins to relax and open up, and the light of Essence shines through as Presence -- naturally radiant, clear and bright.