Further Reading

Saturday 19 September 2009


Nordic aliens, or Nords, are one of several types of extraterrestrial featured in the UFO mythos. Nords are described as resembling beautiful, taller than average humans with Nordic or Scandinavian features: pale skin, blue or green eyes and blonde hair. Nordic contacts, often from Venus, were frequently reported in the 1950s and 1960s, but declined after that. Purported contactees claim to have witnessed the Nords beaming down from gold or silver coloured crescent-shaped UFOs or from gigantic bright cigar-shaped UFOs.

Many people believe the cigar-shape UFOs serve as a mother ship because there have been reports of smaller ships flying around it. Their spacecrafts are often said to be very fast-moving and can come in large numbers. Several reports claim that these UFOs were encountered near mountains or forests and are rarely thought to hover over more urban settings.

Contactees' reports of Nordic aliens describe them as benevolent observers who are not allowed to interfere with Earth culture. Nordic Aliens are also said to be in conflict with the
Greys, as the latter are influencing human evolution. They are rarely reported to have abducted or performed experiments on humans. Many people theorize they are humankind's long lost relatives that have traveled to other planets. Most Nordics aliens who are encountered on earth are males. They mostly communicate telepathically. They have reportedly been seen, however, to talk in a language of their own.

Some versions of UFO mythology allege that in 1953, Nordic aliens landed at Homestead Air Force Base to warn humans of the Greys and Reptoids. Incorporating the claims of Billy Meier into the lore surrounding them, many believers say that the Nordics originate in the
Pleiades, despite the extreme youth of the stars contained in this cluster and therefore, the great improbability of life as we know it having evolved there. People claim the Nordics aliens live on the planet Telosia. Another group of Nordics aliens are said to be living on another star-system called Hyades. They are sometimes known as Telosians, Hydeans and Pleiadeans.They are also referred to as Venusians. (crystalinks)