Further Reading

Monday 21 September 2009

Recurring Dreams Of Lifts

Magickal Journal Entry
21st September 2009

Another 'lift' dream in the early hours. Going down in a lift to a point where there was a 'leap of faith' to the ground below. The perspective suggested the leap was perhaps thirty/forty feet. When the leap was made the drop was perhaps five feet at the most.

Arrival then in a place which was a meeting ground and convergence point for several vibrations ... a conscious realisation made during the visualisation. The awareness then of journeying back to the lift area to leave ... presences in the visualisation were in lift going downwards whereas journey out of visualisation was in the lift going upwards.

Recurring theme of 'dreams' over last twelve-eighteen months has been the arrival at a vibration in a familiar lift ... and the departure from a vibration by an ascending or descending lift ...