Further Reading

Sunday 20 September 2009

Snake Oil

The Brotherhood of the Snake runs the world. It's a dark, occult control from an inner world dressed in a three-piece suit, offered with cheesy grins and platitudes. They own the media, manipulate information, control the money; they are beyond the law and they have the power over our wealth and liberty. They act as would-be gods over us. It's the supremacist in his or her dark glory: the Jews who believe they are chosen; the European aristocrats who believe their blood is blue; the American who believes his country is the greatest in the world—invincible; the Frenchman who believes his art and culture is superior; the Italian Prime Minister who said ‘brown people' should adopt Italian ways if they wanted to improve themselves …and so on and so forth... each is a master race in the making. Everything in this world has an occult identity in the Mirror World an etheric armband, so to speak, easy to see.

None of this would matter if by some quirky act of fate you hadn't chosen to incarnate in the middle of the crunch, crunch, of the goose-stepping mind outside your door. You have to wonder why you are here now in these times, perhaps you are supposed to see what is happening and perhaps there is a beautiful lesson for us all to watch and learn. Everything is very precise, nothing in the Mirror World is random. It all comes from someplace deep within, from an ancient idea, or a spiritual need. Some beings have dark spiritual needs, others light spiritual needs.

New Age and metaphysics and alternative spirituality is marginalized; we were denied a platform in the media and we were denigrated as dark and unreliable. Yet we loved people and we tried to reach for a higher understanding making ourselves vulnerable in doing so. In a miraculous way we made enormous headway, given that we only had a few New Age bookshops and word-of-mouth promotion.

When you compare the ten of thousands of TV hours given to the fundamentalist, Zionist Christians, compared to the fleeting appearances made by the odd New Age writer on TV, you can see how the forces of control made sure that the mass of humanity was not exposed to any alternative lifestyles, or ideas that might liberate people from the institutions that the Brotherhood of the Snake controls and approves of.

Yet your metaphysics is really your only religion because it attempts to describe this human journey not in terms of superiority and dogma, but in terms of energy. All the rest is waffle and phoney ideas of ‘those that will be saved' as well as the promise of an afterlife if you support the snake financially and you follow its rules. The strange thing is that half of your total spiritual identity is in the Mirror World right now, so no one can promise you an afterlife, you already have one! You are in the spirit world while alive on earth. What you are doing right now IS your afterlife made manifest here in 3-D. It's peculiar to think about.

In other words, what you think and feel and the actions you choose come to you from your Mirror World identity, your mirror-self, as pulses of energy that are fed to you second-by-second, day-by-day, via your subconscious mind. So if you are a spiritual person and you seek to learn about your energy quietly and unobtrusively that must be what your Mirror World identity is seeking to do. If you lean towards the reptilian brain you will seek to devour others and fed off them and you will want to control the riverbank so-to-speak.

The tussles to control humanity and the senseless wars are nothing more than the reptilian brain in the Mirror World feeling threatened and exercising its power in there by pulsing the same hoped-for supremacy here in 3-D. Britain has two million CCTV cameras watching every move people make. They are not installed because we love each other; they are there because the supremacists feel threatened.

They fear an attack on their wealth or an uprising that might knock them off the top. Of course, if the supremacists were kind to people and if ordinary citizens were given a fair chance there would not be any need for the cameras, but it's not in the mentality of the supremacist to want to treat people fairly, as equals. He or she does not care to share; they want to milk people and keep it all for themselves. Now here's the quirky twist.

The western supremacists consider the Arabs and their Moslem faith as inferior. Irritatingly for the supremacist, the Moslems of the Middle East own most of the oil. The brown tribes of Russia have the rest, and a few other brown and black people have a few barrels to offer: Algeria, Venezuela, Mexico and Nigeria, for example.

The only significant white man's oil is Canadian; they are not supremacist and they don't seek to control the world, it's a quirk of their character, they are very mellow people. But it is true to say that their oil also came from other brown folk that lived on the icy land before the white man got there. To all intents and purposes global oil is a brown man's asset. It is not a coincidence that most of the powerful, racist, occult supremacists are white intellectuals and that almost all of the oil is in the care of tribal, brown folk.

The snake has no oil. It is provocative to think about. It can't be an accident.

In the overall evolution of our planet there are no coincidences or accidents, as said, everything is very carefully planned in another dimension. The western supremacists lack of oil is a trap that was conceived eons ago—a trap that you have come to watch so that you will hopefully learn not to fall into power trips and non-sense about the destiny of the Aryan races and the chosen few, and those that will be saved and magically raised up and all that blah-diddly-blah, stick it in ya family album!

Much of the white man's evolution is driven by a demonic inner force, which seeks to dominate mankind. It's the mindset of those that would own the world in alliance with the transdimensional ghouls that naturally would see themselves as the rulers of lesser folk.

The dark, transdimensional inner power that drives these sentiments gradually fed the white man the technological leaps needed to build empires, subjugate people, capture resources and wealth and reign supreme. It is not a coincidence that a Brit' invented the steam engine and the telephone, the Americans discovered electricity and they invented the airplane, and the Jews gave us the atom bomb, the hydrogen bomb and the neutron bomb. Bombs, engines, electricity, communication, planes and a fast mobility are the supremacists' dream come true: domination, threat, and the power to organize armies quickly.

Then came another of the white man's triumphs: television, which gave the snake control over the mind of the masses. Now they could falsify information and feed people the ‘party line' and now they had a god-like potential, a command over people's souls. Television is the ultimate triumph in an occult agenda to control this world. It acts as an abductor.

The desire for domination is an ugly trait that is pushed by a dark force from within the Mirror World. Those dark beings seek to become immortal as gods, having the power of life and death over humanity, via their representatives on earth, giving them the modicum of the illusion of a feigned divinity. The lust for war and property and importance are features of the blood cults that now rule the world. You see, a spiritual person doesn't need to control others and they don't need vast amounts of property and wealth. They just need to control themselves and have their day-to-day needs met ... read more ...