Further Reading

Friday 18 September 2009


Along the tree line danced the wraith, a translucent shadow
un-noticed by the life which wandered the winding climb
Children shouted and parents laboured in the summer sun
A cloudless blue made shadows hide ... and the wraith played and played
Oblivious to the danger which stood but a hair's breadth away
It knew not danger ... all it knew was life ... its comprehension was immature
Nature had still to teach the sibling about existences on the outside

Onwards the wraith moved, becoming in time a sphere of blue
merging into the sun light, keeping close to the ground
Excitement coursing through its sentience,
the myriad of colours of existence intoxicating it with their energy
Veil after veil the sibling passed; gossamer threads of possibility
bottomless fibres in which to become lost
infinite passageways to unchartered existences lay open
waiting for the inquisitive wraith to travel along
and once it passed a dimensional threshold it would be lost from this world

Oblivious thus was the sibling to the impending doom
Unaware too of the daylight fading
Not sensing its invisibility relied upon the sun's ray
Soon it would become glassy in structure
and thus noticeable to the world of man ...

It had been a long day ... but well worth while in the end
for he had reached Avalon at dusk ... the air was cool
and he was excited at the prospect of climbing the ancient hill ...
And as he began the customary climb ... he felt he was no longer alone
his senses detected an alien sentience ... something was close
Caution made him stop dead in his tracks ...
He looked slowly to the sky ... the moon was peeping through a lone cloud
a sheen of sweat touching his face, a shiver down his spine
There was presence and it was ahead of him ... waiting

He spied the ghostly tree line ... then looked to the moonlit tower
Ahead of him then he caught a glimpse of a dancing light!
A lone dancing and bouncing blue pin-prick ... he was NOT alone
It was a visitation for sure ... here was an ancient legend alive before his eyes
Quickly he lifted his stride and headed toward the spectre ahead of him without fear ....

Matthew James - Thursday, 16 January 2003