Further Reading

Monday 28 September 2009

The Virtual Reality of the Sleep World

All of the "natural laws" that govern the physical world are based upon illusions that have been conjured up by Darkness. All "natural laws" in the Virtual Reality are purposely imposed upon the inhabitants of the Dodecahedron - the Virtual Reality - to disadvantage the inhabitants (who are really prisoners or slaves of Darkness), and to benefit Darkness. Every illusion employed by Darkness is founded on the Grand Illusion of Motion.
The illusion of no-motion causes great confusion. Even the encasement of True Spirits in "souls" in this Virtual Reality stems from the illusion of no-motion. The illusion of no-motion is that illusion that deceives beings into thinking there is no-motion unless their rate of travel changes. This illusion causes things in this pseudo-creation to appear to be very different from what they really are. Hence, people are deceived and confused by the illusion. For example: The illusion of no-motion makes the Earth appear to be standing still for those who occupy it, and without in-depth study, the Earth's residents would be ignorant that the Earth is in constant motion.The illusion of no-motion is now fracturing because the Virtual Reality is collapsing. Once the illusion of no-motion is totally fractured, the separation of Spirit from Matter will be completed. This means that True Spirits will finally be freed from the encasements that are called "souls". The latter are pseudo-spirits that impersonate True Spirits while all the while they act as jails of the True Spirits that are trapped in the Virtual Reality.
The illusion of no-motion should not be confused with the Buddhist concept of illusion, which is yet another form of illusion within the illusion - a virtual reality within the Virtual Reality.When Darkness corrupted thinking and created thoughts and thought forms, It became deluded in Its own fantasy. As Darkness became more and more deluded, Its "creation" became more and more entwined to such an extent that Darkness has become confused by Its own handiwork. In other words, Darkness is demented and trapped in Its own creation.
Thoughts grow and stimulate negativity or positivity. Thoughts can cause obsessions, corruption, influence behaviour and responses. Corruption of thoughts is due to thoughts of Darkness acting out Darkness' delusions, fantasies and desires. The delusions of Darkness have permeated the entire Virtual Reality. Darkness could have returned to Purity but It was too enamoured with Its own thoughts. In a simplified explanation, Darkness is so deluded by Its own sense of grandeur that It rejects the Light.
Motion is the foundation for vibration, which is yet another illusion within the illusion of motion. Vibrations are used to create many other illusions, including false light (material light, or light made from material particles). Dimensions within the Virtual Reality are brought about by various frequencies of vibrations. Hence, dimensions are illusions within the illusion of vibration, which is an illusion within the illusion of motion. Thus, it can be seen that the Virtual Reality is composed of illusions within illusions.However, these illusions are very "real" because Darkness very much intended the illusions to appear to be all there is. Otherwise, the Virtual Reality would not be such a successful trap. In fact, the Virtual Reality appears so real that even Darkness has become convinced that it is real.
The Virtual Reality has many illusions, including the illusions of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. These illusions were all "created" by Darkness, and none of these illusions will exist when the Grand Illusion of Motion ceases.Darkness invented the five senses. The main reason for the "creation" of the senses was to further entrap beings in Its make-believe world of the Virtual Reality. Many people are now so numbed in awareness that they accept that unless something can be experienced through the five physical senses, it is not real.
Those who have "vision", "hearing" or other ways of sensing things beyond the five accepted senses are often considered to be deluded. Many psychologists and medical professionals will zealously attempt to "cure" people who admit to having experiences beyond the five physical senses by prescribing mind-altering drugs to harness what they perceive to be a psychiatric problem. In extreme cases, such ones are incarcerated for admitting to sensing things beyond the five physical senses.
As the Virtual Reality fractures more and more, so will the dimensions within the Virtual Reality fracture. As more and more people can sense inter-dimensional activities, many of them will be diagnosed as schizophrenic or as suffering from other forms of mental disorders. The ignorance of other dimensions, and the reliance upon the five senses, are so deeply instilled in the population that most people are in absolute denial of the possibility of other forms of existence or intelligence apart from the physical. This will leave most people unable to cope with the fracturing of the Virtual Reality. Science and medicine will have no real answers, and their proposed "cures" will actually be detrimental to the well-being of those who are breaking through the five physical senses.As the Virtual Reality succumbs further to the fracturing, more and more of Its "magic" will weaken and dissipate.