Further Reading

Friday 4 September 2009

A Word On 'Fox Medicine'

Fox is the keeper of the power of invisibility and camouflage, of knowing how to move between the light and the dark, from this world to other realms of existence. Its ability to remain in plain sight and yet unseen, is its greatest power however: No other creature is able to blend in with its surroundings quite as well as Fox can.
People who are strong in Fox medicine yet who are unaware they have this ability may find themselves to be ignored or unseen by others. More than once I have heard such individuals complain " people walk right into me, it's as though I am not there at all!" Those in business who have Fox as a primary totem too frequently find that their marketing methods, no matter how dilligent one is with them, bears little fruit. People pass them over even when the person's business is in plain sight!

Often such folks feel discouraged because no matter what they do, they simply cannot seem to attract anyone's attention. The cure is simple: to connect with the energy that one carries and if needed, to call in the balancing energy of Fox such as Wolf, Dog or Coyote for whom Foxes are prey. To connect with this aspect of Fox medicine, it is important to first acknowledge that this ability to "blend in" is extremely useful.

When facing potentially threatening situations, one can easily blend into the surrounding scenery and thus be passed by unnoticed. If there are people or situations one wants to steer clear of, one can tune into Fox and specify exactly what it is that one is seeking to be unseen by. If one wants to observe a situation or environment to get to the truth of the matter unseen, Fox medicine will allow one to do so. The more specific and conscious one is when working with Fox medicine, the greater the liklihood will be that one will be able to be seen when it is positive and unseen when the situation calls for it. This ability also gives those who carry this energy spectacular abilities in regards to detective type work. Fox people can easily blend in with those around them and for those that are uncomfortable in social situations, Fox medicine can be called upon to help the person feel as they do "belong" with the group they are in because along with the ability to be unseen comes the ability to shapeshift. Star People who feel out of place, no matter what circumstances they find themselves in, can call upon Fox medicine to help them temporarily shapeshift into the feeling of "fitting in".
This ability to be unseen is also invaluable for those who feel they must hide their true selves from " the workaday world". While I am all for educating others when it comes to all things metaphysical, I also understand that there are situations and times when to do so would cause a loss of "integrity" in terms of how one may be viewed by others. Causing such disruptions in one's own life serves no purpose and does nothing to help expand the consciousness of others. Yet what to do when one still wants to use essences, carry stones or work with other metaphysical/healing tools while out in the world of mudane rationality?

There is where Fox medicine can be such a godsend, somehow no one ever notices that rather "odd" pendant you are wearing or sees when you take a few drops from an essence bottle. Unless, they too are open to such things or ready to explore them in some fashion, most folks are simply going to remain unaware that there is anything "different" about you... read more ...