Further Reading

Saturday 5 September 2009

A Word on 'Medicine Walk'

The medicine walk is a day‚s journey upon the face of the earth. It is also a mirror. In it, signs and symbols of your inward journey are reflected. The walk is a distilled form of the vision quest.

During the medicine walk, certain spirits or powers of nature, which typify the nature of your own "medicine power," are attracted by, and reveal themselves to you. With your help, they weave an allegorical or symbolic story which indicates future life direction, your inherent gifts, and the kind of ceremonies that you might perform during a vision quest.

You prepare the night before by packing an emergency kit and a few other items that you might need for a day‚s journey. Inform someone of the location and duration of your walk – in case you do not return. Get a good night's rest. An important dream may arise on this night.

You begin at sunrise and you walk in some natural place. If you must drive, try to get there before dawn. No food is taken on this day -- until after the sun has set. Set forth on a wandering, intuitive course, without consciously attempting to reach any goal. As you wander, keep your eyes open. Be aware if you are feeling "drawn" in any direction or to anything. Listen to and sense the consciousness of all that is around you. Remember to carry water.

The beginning and the end (the thresholds) of your medicine walk must be marked by ceremony. The ceremony may be elaborate or simple, but it must involve your focused attention and your gratitude to your Mother Earth for her teaching and safe-keeping.

At a certain moment on your walk, you will find something -- a symbol of meaning and importance to you. This one thing must return with you and become a symbol of your journey.

Pay special attention to loved ones and friends who call strongly to you as you walk. Some may have already died. Some who call to you are your "spirit guides," teachers, heroes, and helpers, who will watch as you grow and help to strengthen the circle of your purpose.