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Friday, 16 October 2009
Chiron in Pisces
If Chiron falls in Pisces in your chart, you bear the pain of losing your faith. At some time in your life, you have been let down by the world or by some belief you had held very dearly. You may become bitter and close off your once very open heart, wanting to avoid any further pain of disappointment. At the heart of Pisces is belief and faith and a need to follow intuition and understand deeply the motivations of human nature and the universe. When Chiron is in Pisces, though, disillusionment or betrayal undermines your connection to the universe, making you cold and untrusting. Rather than turning your back on your beliefs, Chiron in Pisces compels you to realize that things happen for a reason. Once you realize that your suffering is not in vain, that losing your faith can actually enrich it, you open yourself (and your wound) up to the world and share what you have learned from your pain. Give your time to causes that nourish our faith in humanity and in higher purposes or to groups that reconnect us to either the spiritual or natural world ... read more ...