Further Reading

Monday, 19 October 2009

Vitamin supplements may do more harm than good, warns medical adviser

People taking high-dose vitamin and mineral supplements may be doing more harm than good, an expert said today.

Professor Martin Wiseman, medical and scientific adviser for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), said it was difficult to predict the impact vitamin supplements had on the chances of cutting cancer. While low dose supplements can be a "valuable safety net", high doses could be harmful.

Research over the last few years has suggested some vitamins can actually increase the risk of some cancers. For example, beta carotene can increase the risk of lung cancer in people who already smoke.

Prof Wiseman said: "Many people think they can reduce their cancer risk by taking supplements, but the evidence does not support this. Just because a dietary pattern that provides a relatively high level of a particular nutrient might protect against cancer, it does not mean that taking it in tablet form will have the same effect. In fact, at high doses the effect of these micronutrients is unpredictable and can be harmful to health. (Daily Mail) (Bollocks I say .... its "conventional medicines' which are the harm to health)