Further Reading

Thursday 31 December 2009

2010 is approaching ...

It's nearly the New Year here in Oz ... 2010 beckons. Will it be a key year? Or just another in a long line of insignificant 12 months? Only time will tell . The week between Xmas Eve & New Year's Eve has been its usual blur. On the horizon is the usual 'working to pay the bills (and fill the pockets of the rich!) ... it's par for the course on this planet. It's impossible to avoid the 'LU.LU' slavery ... the programming that we are on this planet to serve 'our master's. Our DNA suppressed and programmed to function on a basic level (a little like Windows 7 Home Premium edition ... it provides all the basic and foundational functions but nothing more) ... yet the DNA has a more advanced (and now independant) level which we cattle fodder humans are not permitted to be connected in to. It's impossible to avoid, therefore it must be accepted as the black cloud that does have a silver lining. The ego (the personality of this human form) has not to be the one calling the shots. It reacts to its environment and gets overwhelmed by the entire human survival game ... yet with the ego contained and re-programmed by the conscious awareness that is captured by the human form, the situation is something to be acted upon and accepted for what it is ... a mere experience to be travelled from start to finish. 2010 appears to be the year of increased conscious awareness for more and more human souls on this planet. The ruling elite and their invisible controllers will become increasingly frantic in their quest for their grand work of ages reaching completion ... but they will in the end be powerless to prevent the upgrade instructions from a much higher level turning the tides on this world; on this dimension. Many of the shadowy gateways may well now be open ... but so are an equal amount of the doorways which the ruling elite don't want open ... 2010 is just a human date ... human time ... a human calendar ... but it appears to coincide with something spiritually stimulating for the consciously aware. The sense of something powerful unfolding ... is in the air ... !!