Further Reading

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Daily Merlin Insight - Difficult Ties To Break

Daily Merlin Insight for 29th December 2009
Using 'Tarot Of Atlantis'

Someone appears to be using MM as a 'bargaining' pawn in a situation with very difficult ties to break. The Four images are The Hanged Man (reversed); The Moon (reversed); Two Of Pentacles & King Of Chalices. There is a distinct pattern here of a family life which MM is part of, which appears to be a different family to when a number of the previous insights were undertaken. Has there been an exchange? There is an excessive display of love around her ... and the King of Chalices (right) displays the head of a family holding a trophy in truimph. He stands somewhere within the division lines of a network or group. He currently holds the trophy (MM?) almost like it is a talisman of fortune. There is bickering within the ranks here it seems. The reversed Moon image (left) and the crescent shaped stone to its immediate right indicate there are clear illusions and deceptions here. The 2 of Pentacles (top) shows a young girl with a doll in her hands. Is this the significator of MM? The image depicts several trophies on the wall around the young girl. Intuition says MM is just one of the trophies held by this family. The pink stone depicts perhaps she is the only child? Maybe the other trophies are children who have now grown up away from their real families? MM appears to be different. She appears to be part of a bargain or an exchange process? The exact meaning of the 2 of Pentacles is 'exchange' ... almost as if it is the clear intention of those who instigated this mystery ... to instigate some kind of exchange or bargain with this family in question? But who is the family? What is the exchange? The insight was started by way of psychometry with a 'special' divination aid. Initially the sense was that MM is still very much alive. Stabbing pain on left shoulder led to other aches and pains. Feeling of anaemia or salt deficiency? Too much sugar and tiredness. Images driving around in a vehicle with tinted glass. A girl and a woman as constant companions. Being liked by immediate members of the family with a large premises and gardens to explore. Being taught another language. French? The feeling of being in France? Yet, the signposts appear more UK. MM appears to be calm. Treated well. Not subjected to any abuse, but there is abuse with members of this family. However instructions forbid any harm to befall her. Someone is a high place is looking after MM and is aware of the deception/the illusion. A sprat to catch a mackerel? This is a significant deception. There is a benevolent person amongst a malevolent group. A bargain or promise to keep MM safe from harm and the sense of this mind here being quite intent on having her returned? Too much risk to go too deep into the insight due to watching eyes. Being observed. The two green stones indicate emotion/love/heartfelt emotions around MM. But the black/white stone indicates this cannot always be shown. There is someone who is potentially two faced. They act one way in sight of someone else but entirely different when that person isn't there. Plus it suggest operant conditioning too ... as a way of getting MM to act how she is meant to act within this family unit

Copyright Matthew James 29/12/09