Further Reading

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Gemini Full Moon

The Gemini full moon relates to brotherhood; all forms of duality and the resolutions of those dualities into a kind of fluid synthesis. In a curious way Gemini has a profound bearing upon all forms of human civilization and culture, which comes to us from the activity of Mercury and Venus, the two rulers of Gemini. The recent commencement of the new 2nd-order cycle of Mercury on May 7th will find due expression and application through this full moon, because Mercury is the orthodox ruler of Gemini. The interesting thing about this full moon in comparison to the other two is that Mercury is not as prominent a feature of this lunar figure as it was in the others. Still, it plays its part and will do much to help set the energies of that cycle in place for this year and the coming ones.

This year in human culture seems set to be a pivotal year in many respects. This festival sets the tone for human culture and civilization for the entire year. A great many changes, both sudden and measured appear to be afoot. The planetary energies around this festival are such that change will come whether we want it or not. The theme of dissolution of illusion continues apace as with the two previous festivals but the indications are not quite so dramatic. As with all Geminian work, the changes produced will fit the need and will provide those conditions necessary for the evolution of higher consciousness to proceed unfettered. With these points in mind, let us begin to unveil the picture of this festival.

This full moon, along with the Sagittarius full moon, is peculiarly related to the Earth through the rulerships of those signs. The Earth is actually used as planet in the horoscope wheels of esoteric astrologers as it defines the field of one's service by house and sign. This rulership by the earth also fits in nicely with the theme of this full moon festival, because the Earth is also the special abode of our humanity and our field of expression and evolution. Gemini and Sagittarius are the only two signs to have the Earth as a ruler at any level. Our Earth is definitely in for some changes over the next 66 years through the action of Mercury and also of Gemini by association with Mercury. It should be noted that in any full moon figure the Moon is always conjunct the Earth which brings the reflection of the Sun's Light and Life to our little globe more fully than at any other time and, in this figure, the Moon and Earth are in Sagittarius--the sign of the aspiring disciple ... read more ...