Further Reading

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Serpent Symbolism

The Serpent is the symbol of the Mother Goddess... Mother Nature, evolution. Kundalites often dream of snakes, and it is a positive sign of awakening. Most commonly seen in dreams and meditations are cobras, blue snakes, and black red and white striped coral snakes. Don't be afraid! The snakes are symbols of life, wisdom, and the unified consciousness of DNA.

Natural selection cannot account for all of the evolutionary process. Scientists studying natural selection have found that evolution sometimes makes unexpected leaps, mutations. There are missing links that may never be found, because it seems that sometimes Goddess skips a few steps and goes directly to a more complex form. It is like natural selection is part of the process, but it is ultimately guided by a higher consciousness that creates perfectly interdependent ecosystems. What if the higher consciousness of this planet is a product of the collective wisdom of all DNA on the planet, working together in a unified field?

The Shamans of South America who do the ritual of the vine, say that at the beginning of life on Earth, there were these serpent creatures that were fleeing an enemy. And they came down onto the Earth, and they made all of the forms of life on Earth to have a place to hide themselves, and that was the beginning of creation. These serpent creatures are your own DNA strands. Packed very tightly into every cell of your body is your DNA, and it is the blueprint that makes YOU. Scientists think that there's a lot of junk DNA along the chain that doesn't have any purpose.

What scientists think is your dormant DNA is actually a multiple redundancy system. Encoded into that system is all of your vast potential for miracles. Some DNA is silent, and Kundalini can reawaken that DNA.

Kundalini is the Fire Serpent, you can think of the Fire Serpent as the spirit of DNA. DNA emits light like a telsa coil emits electricity.

Between the DNA of me, and the DNA of a plant, and the DNA of an oyster, there's not a hell of a lot of difference. It is through our DNA, through that piezio-electrical, vibrational exchange going on inside of us, we are unified with all other life on this planet. The collective consciousness of DNA.

Your DNA is a very complex mechanism. If you took all of your DNA from out of your cells, and unfolded it, unpacked it from its tightly coiled state as a double helix, it would stretch all the way to the sun and back again. Now, if you could think of something like that, a magnetic tape that stretches all the way to the sun and back again, and how much information you could put on that tape, then you're getting some limited idea of exactly how much information is available through your own DNA.

Some of that information is going to unfold as the serpents unfold. Your going to start getting information from your body that may not necessarily be in words, but it will be information. Some people who go through Kundalini actually experience memories of their grandparents, particularly on the female side. Women may get memories of being their great great grandmother. I've had memories of being my grandfather, when he was an officer.

All of this information, the double helix, that makes you the form that you are, and to a certain extent dictates the personality that you are. That is the Fire Serpent. That is the wisdom. The double helix we're unfolding here is a hologram that is reflected in every single cell of your body. That's the power of Kundalini inside of you, awake, and dancing. (Kundalini Teacher)