Further Reading

Wednesday 16 December 2009

UFO experts: Shock, panic possible when official disclosure made!

Shock and panic will most likely be the initial reaction of many people across the globe when the U.S. government provides official disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth, some top UFO researchers said this week.

“In general, I suppose all hell will break loose,” Bruce Maccabee, an optical physicist formerly employed by the U.S. Navy and a UFO researcher since the 1960s, said this week in a prepared statement regarding the question of UFO disclosure by the government.

“What exactly happens will depend, at least in part, on exactly what the government says of what disclosure discloses,” Maccabee wrote. “Do we face love, hate or indifference? Are they buddies from space or are they desirous of ‘serving man’ a la the ‘Twilight Zone?’ Did they ‘just’ discover us (thousands of years ago) or did they make us in the first place?”

Richard M. Dolan, a UFO researcher since the early 1990s and author of “UFOs and the National Security State,” a two-volume history of the U.S. government’s ET cover-up, said during a Thursday phone interview the initial reaction of many people should government disclosure be made will be shock.

“There certainly would be a great shock,” he said, adding that he has relatives and friends he is certain would “pull the hair out of their head” if they were presented with word from officialdom that extraterrestrial visitors to Earth are a reality. Dolan said he also believes the government would be leveled with a major political and financial crisis if and when disclosure is made.

There would be a financial crisis, he said, because then the government would need to explain how it paid for various programs to deal with the UFO problem since the late 1940s when it first became an issue. “There will be lots of questions,” Dolan said, adding that many Americans will also wonder how the federal government kept its UFO knowledge secret for over 60 years from the media, scientists and academics. (Read more …)