Further Reading

Saturday 2 January 2010

2012, Reptileans, Bluebeam

Many cultures all over the world have the same mythologies and creation stories that involve the heavens, stars, angels, demons, serpents, snakes, or dragons. African Kings claimed descent from the Chituhuri serpent people. Chinese Kings claimed descent from ancient dragon gods that came from the sky. The Sumerian Kings claimed descent from the Annunaki, “those who from Heaven to Earth came.” Annunaki, are called many things in the Bible: Anak, Anakim, Sons of Anak, and Nephilim are some of the more common. These are the Fallen Angels among whom Satan is leader. But are they literal physical alien beings from outer-space? The Sumerian symbol for Planet X (Nibiru), which many say will come back in 2012, is the same symbol found over most Masonic temples and meeting halls. The symbol is the top of the caduceus, a winged-orb, sometimes drawn with the two serpents. This has already been explained as a spiritual symbol for crown chakra illumination, and not a physical planet ... read more ...