Further Reading

Sunday 31 January 2010

Arrival Of The Moon

That night, in my evening visualisation, I was visited by the Lemurian. I awaited the moment where he granted me communion before asking him what the object that had been found was. Immediately my vision became a black space. There was nothing below me or around me. I was floating in nothingness. Ahead of me I gleaned a source of light. Towards the light I found myself heading. Suddenly, I was aware of being in some type of tunnel, though I did not know where it was or where it was heading.

I entered a tiny cavern and became aware of a shadow being standing over me. It was of an immense size. If I had showed fear I would have lost the connection, so I warded off the urge to be scared by trying to imagine myself as the being.

In that instance the being was gone and I was alone. Ahead of me I spied a silver doorway in an alcove of the cavern. I wandered over to the doorway and searched the cavern side for the opening mechanism. The door swung open.

Beyond the door was another cavern, filled with many different artifacts which I knew to be from the first civilisation.

I wandered over to the first podium I came to and reached over to pick up a square box like object.

Then the vision was gone .... there was a feeling like being pulled from behind me and I was back into my manifest suit in an instance.

I opened my eyes and gazed into the eyes of my friend, Akrah. He was back. “My friend, come. Follow me now. There is something you must see.”

He led me along a narrow and winding passageway, past the shanty town dwellings which were home to the fish people. The stench of fish oil was unbearable. Along litter strewn paths he led me until we reached the shore.

A night sky full of stars met me when I finally caught up with him at the waters edge. I regained back control of my breathing, why have you brought me here my friend?

“Look!” He pointed to the heavens.

I followed the direction of his pointing hand and saw it. The planetoid hung huge on the horizon ... its silvery glow reflected off the sea. The demon world had arrived! The prophecy had been fulfilled.

“The time is now short”, he began, “the time of chaos is now upon us. Our sister world will break orbit with our world in the next decade. Already the ecological balance of our world is lost. The planetoids magnetic field has started to influence the orbit of our world. Soon chaos will be unleashed. The cult of Belial is prepared, we are not. The cult of Belial wished this reality on our world. It is part of their plan. My friend, there is nothing we can do but wait. The surface of our world will be reaped once more. We must venture to far places quickly to let others know of what is occurring here.” (Extract taken from "The Chronicles Of Ezra" by Matthew James