Further Reading

Thursday 21 January 2010

Astronaut Theology - The Star Sailor

The Secret Sun says "The ancient historian Plutarch tells us "That when Osiris reigned over the Egyptians he made them reform their destitute and bestial mode of living, showing them the art of cultivation, and giving them laws, and teaching them how to worship the gods." OK, that's a fairly standard story across the ancient world, particularly in these high civilisations.

We also know from the old myths that upon his second death, Osiris "was translated to the nether regions where he reigned as 'Lord of the Underworld and Ruler of the Dead.' Here he presided at the bar of judgment and assigned to the souls of the departed their proper reward for virtue or punishment for sin."

Again, not unusual in the context of ancient mythology.

But I do have one problem with all of this. If Osiris is consigned to the Underworld... ...why do we always see him sailing around the stars in his flying boat?

This isn't just a question of some outlier cult with their own mythos, this cuts to the core of what (we think) we know about this enigmatic belief system. Particularly this idea that the Pharaohs became Osiris and death and went to join with him in outer space. There's a distinct whiff of cargo cultism about all of that- a secret that was lost and attempted to be retraced."