Further Reading

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Bushranger Hotel - Transcript Extract

"Inspections of internal windows in both The Dormitory & Room 3 revealed the hand prints of a young child plus there were a number of clear markings of a young child’s hand on the glass of the wardrobe door in Room 3. These markings included two clear handprints; numerous finger prints, and an area where child sized fingers had been rubbed down the face of the glass. The Owner informed us that neither of these rooms have ever been used as family rooms so there is no logical explanation for these child’s handprints on the windows or the wardrobe door; or for the cross on the window. These areas are regularly maintained and clearly from the owner's reactions these markings had not been there on the last clean in these rooms. Nobody had been in these rooms prior to our visit." (Taken from Transcript of paranormal investigation visit on Saturday 23rd January 2010)