Further Reading

Monday 4 January 2010

Daily Merlin Insight Review - The Chariot & The Devil

An earlier Daily Merlin Insight spread depicting the involvement of 'The Charioteer' in the situation. He is located on the right hand side of the top row of four cards next to The Devil. The bottom row of images describes his overseeing (and involvement) with acts of 'false imprisonment' and 'false accusation' and trades of 'opportunity'. His appearance on 'the second row' implies his rank on 'the 2nd rung of the ladder' but not much higher. He has responsibility ... and he has instructions from a higher rank to his own. The crystal casting during this insight all fell within the approximate area of The Devil --' mastery of deception and the creation of fear' --- which was no doubt being created at the time of this casting. The Six Of Crescents (top row of two cards, right card) represents perhaps the higher chain of command to The Charioteer and the direct meaning for the card of 'get on with it' ... full steam ahead in to false accusations to act as a smoke screen (Part of the cloud making machine) ... to create fear and deception. The remaining two cards on The Charioteer's row are The Maker of Spheres and The Giver Of Staves ... with the Giver Of Spheres perhaps representing someone who worked closely with a Government (The Unicorn symbolic of government organisations) as a Spokesperson, who was also on a rung of a similar ladder, receiving information and acting within the parameters given to him. Also playing a role within the actions of 'The Devil' card. The Maker Of Spheres represents the gullible public arena ... or the spectators of this deception. The Two of Staves a hint at the opinion splitting intentions to come .... an opinion perhaps in the order of 'anti' or 'pro' McCanns. This in itself was part and parcel of the machinery of The Devil card and another means to hide the true plot. The fact this image lies on a rung above both The Chariot and The Giver Of Spheres hints at the level/altitude of interest in this situation. The left bottom two cards ... imply that one of the intentions of the situation was to get Father & Mother at loggerheads with each other ... to put pressure on them? Not necessarily to force them into a false confession (which had been past game plans) but more likely to get them to 'break' under pressure ... and reveal sensitive information relating to other aspects of the mystery? False imprisonment seems to have been par for the course in past expressions of the role play undertaken by The Charioteer. He appears to have some comprehension of why these two particular parents were involved ... and also of the direction where these two particular parents should have been looking for their imprisoned child. It seems to be a network with which The Charioteer was familiar. However it appears it was his loyalty, and involvement, with this network was the prime reason he used diversions ... tactics that drew all the attention away from the search and pointed the blame at these parents. A tried and tested method of trail ending that he may well have used before?

Copyright Matthew James 4/1/10