Further Reading

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Presented Characters IV - Limited Choices

Daily Merlin Insight
27th January 2010
Using Servants Of The Light tarot.

Another look at one of the characters ... an insight to assess their possible 'prior knowledge' of the disappearance; any potential involvement or insight into the situation ... 'the initial photographic assessment does suggest a many layered personality with this character. Being able to keep from the facial expression what is going on inside. A front personality masking the business of other personalities. Many sides and many involvements with this character. A fighter and a stubborn opponent. An 'element' of guilt on the surface of the photograph used for the insight; but its gone in a flash. Many secrets and confidential information has been stored deep in the grey matter with this one. A trustworthy 'messenger' (why the word messenger though?) ... it hints at a character who is a puppet or goffer. Very much under the influence of other hands. The desire for success the weakness perhaps exploited?' The insight continues with a link to the other realms ... a grey haired man expresses his anger for this character. Its weakness and its foolhardiness. It's loyalty to others. Its stone walling. These qualities could be its undoing in the end?

The five images for this character are: Four Of Spheres, ten Of Staves, Five Of Weapons, Temperance, Four Of Crescents.

The Ten Of Spheres symbolises the limited choices and limited movement this character has. The limitations in life and in the paths it can take within this mystery. Very little freedom of speech. The Four Of Spheres is the upturned Pandora's Box ... and a suggestion of a pre-awareness that the disappearance was going to occur? Some tension represented by the Five Of Weapons suggests pre-ordained plans and an agenda to follow. The character is not what it seems from the public perspective. Its been drawn in a light which suits the agenda of those who control the media & call the shots with regard to the disappearance and how the whole thing is presented to the public. Temperance suggests a healing/medical link and a clear path this character was to play within the situation. The Four Of Crescents represents symbolically the 'taking of the replica moon' ... the abduction of the child who appeared to be a replica of the original. The reason for the abduction seems to be known by this character. A replica 'abduction' or a carbon copy of a previous abduction? It seems this character knows who took the little girl ... as it was the intention all along to lure a certain individual/group to take the bait?

Copyright Matthew James 27/1/10