Further Reading

Monday 4 January 2010

'Presented Characters'

Daily Merlin Insights in the coming weeks are planned to be focussed on a number of the 'individuals' who've been associated with the ongoing mystery. The format of the Insights will not reveal who the individual is during, or after, the Daily Merlin Insight. There is a strong intuitive sense of the need to retrace the steps ... and review the 'presented characters' who've been in and out of the attention of the public arena since May 2007. 'Findings' are to be presented in the same cryptic way, as ever ... due to the necessity of such a public fishtank as an 'online blog' ... it is not possible to determine the true intention of 'some' of the eyes who observe the blog on a regular basis. To err on caution has always been the policy in these circumstances ... some of the 'presented characters' know more than they have been attributed with knowing. There is a determined wall of silence still, with the sense of 'opposing forces actually being on the same side' in some of the instances. There is deliberate confusion and apparent incompetence which is a 'recognisable' signature for significant events taking place. Something is afoot here, has always been afoot here ... and behind the wall of silence lies the truth to this mystery which many of the 'presented characters' are aware of. The mystery could be ended swiftly and surely ... but it is not? Why? That is the intention of these forthcoming insights. To determine the why. The 'who' can be gleaned though not decisively at this point - MJ